Publication Process
JWLS adopts a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality and credibility of published content. JWLS will follow the publication process as follows:
Submission: Authors will submit their manuscripts online through the journal’s website or “Editorial Manager” platform. Authors will be asked to submit a “Plagiarism Check Statement” as an annexure.
Editorial Review: The Managing Editor will conduct an initial review to check for adherence to submission guidelines, suitability for publication in the journal, and ethical considerations.
Peer Review: Submissions that meet the initial criteria will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Reviewers with expertise in the relevant field will evaluate the manuscript’s scientific merit, originality, and significance.
Decision: Based on the reviewers’ decision, the Associate Editor or Editor-in-Chief will decide on the acceptance, revision, or rejection of the manuscript.
Revision: If required, authors can revise their manuscripts according to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions.